NANGO coordinated the implementation of the Non-State Actors Coordination and Capacity Strengthening Programme in collaboration with the National Association of Youth Organisations, Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions, National Association of Societies for the Care of the Handicapped, Zimbabwe National Council for the Welfare of Children, Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce and Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe. The programme was funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented countrywide from 2015 to 2017. The programme aimed to enhance the capacities of non-state actors to pro-actively participate in policy dialogues at all spheres of government in a coordinated and harmonised manner which can translate into positive national development outcomes in Zimbabwe.

Achievements included addressing the individual, institutional, and policy capacity gaps affecting the ability of non-state actors to effectively influence policy and other development processes in Zimbabwe, strengthening non-state actors coordination and participation in local and national policy formulation, monitoring and implementation as well as supporting evidence-based lobbying and advocacy efforts aimed at addressing legal, policy and institutional constraints affecting the operational environment of non-state actors in Zimbabwe.

The programme established policy dialogue platforms which allowed non-state actors to engage various policymakers and push for their agenda informed by research, which the project had carried out during the year. Some of the policies the project influenced include; the Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (IPRSP), National Peace Reconciliation Bill, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UPR and Aligning the Disabled Persons Act [Chapter17:01] to the 2013 Constitution of Zimbabwe.
