The National Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (NANGO) is the official voluntary coordinating body of registered NGOs in their diversity operating in Zimbabwe. NANGO is registered as a Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO) under the PVO Act Chapter [17:05]. It is a non-partisan, non-profit making and non-denominational organisation mandated to strengthen the voice of NGOs for the betterment of the people in Zimbabwe. NANGO’s operations are guided by its constitution which is the supreme operational document that governs the conduct of NANGO secretariat, board and members. The board holds the oversight role over the functions and activities of NANGO. The board members are elected after every three years during an elective Annual General Meeting. Administratively, NANGO is decentralised into five regional offices that coordinate the activities of the CSOs in all ten provinces of Zimbabwe. Cognisant of diversity of membership, members are clustered into 10 thematic sectors in line with their programmatic focus and these are; Media, Arts and Culture, Children, Disability, Economic, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian, Land and Environment, Women, AND Youth. Concomitantly NANGO bears the responsibility of unifying these various sectors by creating spaces for collaboration, networking, knowledge exchange, mutual support, and the development of common best practices.