This issue brings forth interesting articles varying from social, economic and political dimensions. This edition predominantly features articles on natural resource governance, child development, gender mainstreaming and integration, democracy and good governance amongst other critical development issues. It is worth noting that this issue is coinciding with preparations for the Global Week to Action (17 – 28 September). The Global Week to Action aims to drive collective action, mobilizing communities, civil society and key stakeholders from all sectors to drive change and accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals. This is a week of action, awareness, and accountability for the SDGs. It is therefore my plea to Civil society around Zimbabwe to join in solidarity, demonstrating our hope beyond the COVID19 pandemic. The Global Week of Action seek to turn around action for a healthy, just and green recovery, keeping the promise of the SDGs in this decisive decade counting down to 2030. In this regard, NANGO will take the global week of action as an opportunity to reflect on the outcomes and recommendations from the 2021 High-Level Political Forum process. This is key in implementing the principles to Leave No One Behind and putting the Furthest Behind First as part of the Global Week of Action. For more, please download the attachment below: