European Union (EU) Member States recently agreed to adopt the full EU/CSOs Roadmap consultative document as compiled by the European Union (EU) in Collaboration with Civil Society Organisations in Zimbabwe. The adopted document is a result of an extensive exercise undertaken all over Zimbabwe by the Delegation of the EU to Zimbabwe in collaboration with EU member states, Civil Society in the country, in particular the umbrella organisation NANGO in the months of March-June 2014. The successful finalisation of the document and its subsequent adoption mark the beginning of yet another rigorous, but important process of implementing set actions towards achieving the identified and desired priorities, actions and indicators for the next years of EU support to civil society in Zimbabwe. The consultations with civil society led by the EU is seen by many as important as the context of EU-Zimbabwe relations is quickly changing from a time of restricted cooperation due to application of article 96 of the Cotonou Agreement, to progressive normalization by the two parties. On the other hand, civil society in Zimbabwe is undergoing a self reflective and strategic process to effectively engage the Government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) and meaningfully influence decision making process for the benefit of Zimbabwean citizenry. The consultative process identified three main areas where civil society actors can make vital contributions to enhance positive development and governance outcomes. These are an enabling Environment (1), Roles and participation of CSOs (2), and Capacity Building of Civil Society (3). Under these three main areas, there are identified priorities, accompanied with clear course of actions and indicators for implementation processes.