It is my great honour and pleasure to say these remarks that sum up NANGO programming for the year 2019. Allow me to start by acknowledging the great support and collaboration from the National Executive Committee, Regional Executive Committees, NANGO Members, and the Secretariat whose efforts and commitment made work easier. For NANGO, 2019 was driven towards sensitisation of its members to enable them to effectively monitor public social accountability, advocate for transparent implementation of national development policies, and coordinate civil society to effectively play the watchdog role and speak in unison. The country was hit by Cyclone Idai and Kenneth which affected Manicaland and Masvingo provinces. The natural disaster caused devastating effects, resulting in the loss of lives and properties. To date, the nation still grapples with the impact caused by the cyclone as the communities affected are still trying to recover from the trauma endured. To read more, download the attachment below: