Since its formation, NANGO has evolved in view to adapt to changes in the operating environment. Despite shifts in the operating environment, the coordination role of NANGO has become even more relevant and continues to guide the organisation's evolutionary and value proposition path. This new strategic plan (2023 - 2025) is largely hinged on the rich history and foundations of NANGO as the umbrella body of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) operating in Zimbabwe. This strategy encapsulates our commitment to deliver concrete results that ensure inclusiveness, proactiveness, and shared values amongst NGOs in Zimbabwe. This strategy, with full membership ownership throughout the process, is a result of extensive consultations involving a wide range of stakeholders whose input contributed to the definition of key priorities and the associated key results areas. It lays out ambitious aspirations to reset the NANGO brand hence the theme, “Building An Association That Is Fit For Purpose”. The process of developing this strategy took into cognisance the fluidity of the operating environment thus it provides scope for flexibility and responsiveness to issues emerging in the operating environment. To read more, download the attached document: