Lower Guruve Development Association Experiences
By Sekai Janga
My encounter with the National Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (NANGO) brings about memories of joy. My name is Sekai Janga, the Executive Director of the Lower Guruve Development Association. This Association is headquartered in Guruve District. Its field offices are located in Mbire. Mbire is in the remotest part of the Country which Borders Zambia to the North and Mozambique to the East. This is one part of the Country which is usually forgotten when it comes to development initiatives due to the long distances from the cities and the harsh weather conditions. Mbire is tsetse and mosquito-infested and is characterised by high temperatures and rough roads. It is an area that is usually neglected because of the “along road bias” among development partners where partners prefer areas that are easily accessible.
My knowledge of NANGO dates back to 2012 when my former Executive Director, Ephraim Murendo told me that we were now a NANGO member. He consistently attended the Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) Forum and the famous Director’s Summer Forum year after year after which he would always give feedback to the senior management of the Association. These initiatives were the NANGO brainchild. Senior management also always looked forward to hearing new and exciting developmental knowledge from NANGO. My direct connection with NANGO was in 2018 when I was asked by the former Director to arrange for a dialogue with the Doma community in the remotest part of Mbire District. The Doma people are indigenous people who have nomadic tendencies and have for a long time lagged behind in terms of development. In the past, this community was treated as unimportant and developmental decisions were made on their behalf. I was thrilled and anxiety was written all over my face as I waited eagerly to hear about what NANGO had in store for the Doma community. I was also surprised when on the day the secretariat came, the Executive Director for NANGO was also amongst the team which showed the importance NANGO gave to the underprivileged. NANGO upheld the “Leave No One Behind” concept. The objective of the visit was to cascade information on Transitional Stabilisation Programme (TSP) and the national development agenda to the underprivileged.
The engagement process was unique and relevant. The community was happy. They made their contributions and got the clarification they wanted.
In 2019 NANGO also convened a stakeholder workshop in Mbire. This workshop was graced by political leaders, District Heads of Departments. By then the devolution process was vague to many people but NANGO unpacked the Devolution process to the Mbire community. This was very much appreciated by Mbire communities. The regular engagement with NANGO was motivational to me and I began to appreciate NANGO more.
When misunderstandings between the Government and NGOs grew, NANGO constantly engaged with the government and opened up platforms for discussion on crucial issues such as unpacking the NGO bill and the possibility of initiating a self-regulatory system for NGOs. NANGO was and is still taking its liaison role. Several online meetings were organised and open discussions were and are being conducted with relevant line ministries and other organs that are relevant to the development agenda. This has made me understand several issues around the development agenda. In October 2022 I managed to attend the NGO Directors’ Summer Retreat. The Summer Retreat created linkages among key development stakeholders. Among them were funding partners and service providers such as banks and audit firms. It also created a platform where NGOs interacted.
The programme contained key issues such as audits, relationships with funding partners, what to watch out for when seeking funding, the future of development initiatives for the Country, lobbying and advocacy issues, and also taking care of our health as development workers. It was a mouthful programme. For me, this was an eye-opener and it helped a lot since I was only a year into the directorship. I had become a director after the untimely death of my former Director and no handover and takeover had been done. Trying to knit together issues was difficult but this Summer Retreat equipped me. I am now a better Director and our organisation is continuously getting stronger. I am now a NANGO board member who is eager to learn and to positively contribute to the well-being of other small NGOs.
With Civil Society, No one and no place is left behind in our quest for sustainable development
Harare – Zimbabwe: The National Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (NANGO) joins the rest of the world in commemorating World Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) day under the theme, “the role and influence of NGOs in advancing human rights, addressing social and environmental challenges, and achieving sustainable development goals”.
We mark this day to acknowledge the role that the NGOs are playing in contributing to the achievement of national and global human development goals such as the Agenda 2030, Universal Health Coverage (UHC), and treatment for HIV/AIDS among other things. As we are celebrating this day marked by the outstanding work done by the NGO sector in protecting and respecting fundamental human rights which embody key values in our society such as fairness, dignity, equality, and respect. Human rights are an important means of protection for us all, especially those who may face abuse, neglect, and isolation.
NANGO takes this opportunity to reflect on the significant role played by diverse Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Zimbabwe. The country’s political, social, and economic turbulence of the past two decades has challenged CSOs to be more relevant by devising approaches to address the nation’s problems while at the same time promoting people-centred development. The concept of people-centred development became popular within CSOs in Zimbabwe with the view that people must take responsibility for their development as opposed to accepting top‐down solutions from governments, donors, or even CSOs.
Today we celebrate CSOs for fostering people‐centred development by promoting ownership, inclusivity, and participation. Many of the NANGO members are engaged in policy dialogue and research, and share valuable information on sustainable and economic development. Others continue to provide development assistance or services to communities where the government
has a less comparative advantage or no resources to provide. Those involved in advocacy for economic and social justice have championed good and accountable governance and challenged institutions and individuals where their rights have been violated. Social movements continue to mobilise citizens to claim their rights and pressure for accountability and social justice. CSOs are moving with a clarion call to embrace a rights‐based approach, which seeks to alter the public’s attitude toward authorities to demand service delivery and accountability.
The work of development organisations in Zimbabwe has been essential given the country’s rising poverty levels during the economic doldrums and instability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The recurrent natural disasters have also increased the suffering of the majority of citizens in general. The role of CSOs in building community resilience and securing livelihoods has been a welcome contribution given the challenges that the country is currently facing. Food security, access to potable water, income generation, sanitation and hygiene, and HIV awareness and treatment are among the major components of the projects that CSOs are currently implementing.
However, it is important to note that the NGO sector continues to impact our communities positively while experiencing shrinking civic space with Zimbabwe now marked as “repressed” on the CIVICUS Monitor. While our communities depend on the support of the NGOs, which in turn depend on foreign donors to support their work in those communities, we witnessed with concern the government’s 2021 proposed Private Voluntary Amendment (PVO) Bill which has great potential to further shrink civic space due to repressive clauses being proposed. The proposed Bill will see CSOs currently registered as Trusts losing their legal personality and will become unlawful entities until and only if they are registered PVOs. This presents a serious existential threat to these CSOs, especially considering that there is no transition mechanism in place.
Zimbabwe is already regarded as an insecure destination for donor funding. The proposed law will bring forth a new wave of donor flight and this will further weaken the national development agenda. There is, already, a significant decline in development partner support even if the Bill is yet to be passed. Globally, CSOs are recognised as sources of innovations and leadership development. Without vibrant CSOs, the development agenda enunciated in Agenda 2030, Vision 2030, and National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1) will be difficult to achieve. The increased demand for administrative and operational requirements at the local government level, mainly Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) and clearance letters presents grim operational restrictions for CSOs. Concerns noted include the exorbitant fees being charged for an organisation to be cleared and for the MoU to be processed by district councils, the cumbersome process to acquire such clearances and approvals, the non-standardisation of the procedure to acquire such clearances; and the rejection of some MoUs without clear reasons or justifications. There is, therefore, a need for an enabling CSOs operating environment.
Despite these challenges, we are proud of the results the NGO sector has achieved so far towards the betterment of the lives of the general populace. As your coordinating body, we appreciate the firmness and resilience you demonstrated in very difficult circumstances. You remain unwavering in the quest to address the various needs of the people of Zimbabwe. The NGO sector has over the years increased in numbers and roles, complementing and enhancing quality outreach for social service delivery to Zimbabwean communities in support of government initiatives and efforts, as its capacity shrank progressively over the years, compromising sustainable transformation of the country’s poor communities.
Given these experiences and challenges, the sector is in urgent need to re-organise and revitalise itself so that it plays a critical role through a well-coordinated voice in shaping policy orientation towards national development as well as issues directly impacting its operating environment. NANGO is alive to the need for a vibrant civil society that is essential to guaranteeing sustainable development as enunciated in the NDS1 and Vision 2030. The ‘Whole of Society’ approach adopted by the government recognises the role of CSOs in development. It is also imperative that the sector embrace diversity, build inclusivity, consolidate cohesion and harmony in the sector, and unite NGO voices, policies, and programmes. We reiterate the need for the sector to comply with the existing laws of the country and demonstrate accountability to demand accountability. We would like to call on the government to meaningfully engage in dialogues and consult with civil society in the quest to regulate the operations of the CSOs in the country. NANGO is ready to facilitate regular and systematic engagement meetings with the government at multiple levels to share CSOs collective results and more importantly, CSOs operating environment.
Celebrating World Non-Government Organisation (NGO) Day on 27 February is one that must not be missed by any progressive citizen. As Hurungwe Community Radio Initiative, we have gained our popularity as a community-based information hub centred on social economic development where our stories have been shared by both local and international news organisations, amplifying the voice of the voiceless in community development.
The community radio was formed in January 2020 covering one of the largest districts in the country within Mashonaland West province. Hurungwe Community Radio Initiative was launched at its thrust anchored at preserving and safeguarding Shona tradition, cultural values and using radio as a driving medium. It has seen all the traditional leaders embracing the home grown project aimed at celebrating and defending the cultural values of Kore Kore people among other norms.
Just few months later, it became a member of the National Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (NANGO) family and sharing its teething stages working well with traditional leaders among other stakeholders. It has worked well with NANGO, the umbrella body of NGOs, in their diversity, operating in Zimbabwe.
As we join others in celebrating this year World NGO Day on 27 February under the theme, “Significance, History and celebrations” Hurungwe Community Radio is glad to be part of the community that recognise World NGO Day.
The Hurungwe Community Radio Initiative board chairperson Joel Zilala said the road has not been easy but they are working hard to empower the communities.
‘‘Radio is a living medium and Hurungwe Community Radio Initiative has been bridging the information gap for all communities. We are glad that soon after our launch when the Covid-19 pandemic stuck, our community radio was the reliable source of information of the pandemic. We had regular talk shows with civic organisations, government officials among others. It was a prime source of credible news from grassroots level we have community based citizen journalists. As a community radio, we fought misinformation due the social media and it worked well,’’ said Zilala.
Stories are shared on social media platforms that include WhatsApp groups, Facebook, a blog among others. The stories are on forms including texts, videos, audios and it has helped communities to be well informed.
Of late, the community radio has worked well with NANGO on its programming around the district where social and development projects were discussed. It became a vehicle of social change and development agenda through engagements at community level.
‘‘It is an international day intended to honour, acknowledge, and celebrate non-profit and Non-Governmental Organisations. The day also celebrate the individuals who founded these groups and made significant contributions to society worldwide.
Hurungwe Community Radio has worked well with NANGO in implementing its various engagement forums with various stakeholders keeping them informed on National Strategy Development number 1 among others on equal access to health, education, clean water, food security road network among other social services in both rural and urban communities.
World NGO Day was declared by the United Nations on February 27, 2014, as NGO Day, which has since been enthusiastically observed. Non-Governmental Organisation is any non-profit group that operates without the influence of the government.
The phrase was first used in 1945 in Article 71 of the newly created United Nations’ Charter.
‘‘NGOs, also referred to as non-profit organisations (NPOs), civil society organisations (CSOs), charitable organisations, membership organisations, charities, or third sector, are significant players in the fields of development, human rights, humanitarian aid, gender equality, the environment, and numerous other areas of public action,’’ reads the statement marking the World NGO day.
It furthers adds that the goal of World NGO Day is to raise awareness of all such organisations worldwide, to recognize those who work in this field, and to inspire others to support this worthwhile cause.
‘‘On this day each year, supporters and volunteers show their appreciation to those who work for Non-Governmental Organisations. On this day, numerous firms receive honours and significant prizes to push them on to greater productivity,’’ says the statement.
NB: The author Nhau Mangirazi is the Hurungwe Community Radio Initiative Station Manager. Mangirazi is an award winning multimedia and investigative journalist and writes for several local and international news organizations.