Public health

  • Provide mobile clinics and construct more health centres particularly in rural areas and other remote communities to increase access to health facilities for children living in the hard to reach areas
  • The government should increase funds towards the health sector to address challenges facing children with disability such as shortages of medicine, specialist doctors and assistive equipment for children with disabilities. The government to fulfill the Abuja Declaration on Health issues, 15% of the overall budget going towards health
  • More funds to promote compulsory immunization programmes mainly targeting children with disabilities to avoid accidental/circumstantial disability through diseases such as polio
  • Government should put medical first aid kits and trained medical personnel in schools to assist children with disabilities in cases of emergency
  • Free access to health services and products for children with disabilities

Sexual reproductive health and rights

  • Provide sexual reproductive health informative, educative communication material, suitable for children with certain disabilities, for example visually impaired children, to reduce the rate of unintended teenage pregnancies, STIs and HIV infection.
  • The government to provide sanitary wear for free to all children with disabilities or subsidize the price sanitary wear


  • Provide adequate education material and assistive devices for children with disabilities. All primary and secondary teachers and health care workers to be trained in basic effective communication for example sign language and braille
  • The government should ensure that resources are shared equally within mainstream schools and/or special schools to promote universal access to education
  • Children with disabilities should access their right to education without any barriers and should not for any reason be barred from sitting for exams
  • The government should add more Schools Psychological Services personnel to speed the psycho-analysis assessment process especially among children with disabilities
  • The government to establish more schools that offer Advanced Level and Vocational Training especially for children with disabilities
  • The government should increase recruitment for special education teachers who attend to children with disabilities
  • The government should increase special education textbooks for special classes and schools so that children with disabilities can also get access to the new curriculum
  • Build more mental health institutions and rehabilitation centres to cater for special groups of children such as children with mental health challenges

Sports and recreation

  • The government should put more funds towards recreational facilities, training of coaches and supporting participation and talents of children with disabilities in sporting and recreational activities
  • The recreational facilities should be disability friendly and free of charge to children with disabilities to encourage their participation

Social protection

  • Adequately support the Basic Education Assistance Module (BEAM) programme to assist all vulnerable children while safeguarding the principle of non-discrimination and directly support alternative care social institutions and residents in order to improve the care, treatment and support of the orphans and vulnerable children including children with disabilities
  • Funds for BEAM should be availed in time to avoid inconveniences to children with disabilities
  • Introduce a Disability Special Fund or Levy to cater for children with disabilities’ needs and education

Water and sanitation

  • Drilling more boreholes (solar powered) and resuscitation of the existing boreholes to increase supply of clean water in schools, communities, hospitals and other key public institutions. These facilities should be found closer to the people with disabilities
  • The water and sanitation facilities should be accessible to children with disabilities

Remove import duty on capital goods and other products meant for use by children with disabilities such as sunscreen for children with albinism, wheelchairs, learning or assistive devices and large print books among other things

Put more funds in infrastructural development to make existing facilities including schools, bridges and recreational facilities disability-friendly for example ramps/rails, beds and toilets

Child participation

  • The government should allocate more resources towards the participation of children with disabilities within child participation structures such as the Junior Councils and Junior Parliament

Provision of grants to support families of children in difficult conditions, residential care homes and disabled children living on/off the streets.
